Your Learning & Development Department

Our flexible approach means that you can access as much or as little training or coaching as you need, and we are very happy with the ‘build it as you fly it’ approach when it is needed. We also enjoy helping to create longer term strategies and road maps to support your objectives. 

You may be a small business with no in-house L&D department of your own or you may be a larger company with access to L&D expertise but in need of some help with a particular project.

Maybe you have an emergency and need someone to step in and deliver a training programme; perhaps there is a confidential or sensitive issue you need some advice on; possibly you have initiated a piece of development but need some help in taking it to the next stage…

We can help with all this and more…


We partner with you to assess the learning needs of your organisation and support you in creating a strategy.  Where this includes drafting of policies or position statements, we have L&D and OD specialists on hand to help.

Research & Development

We aim to make this as pain-free as possible, making sensible use of focus groups, simple on-line questionnaires and desk research to minimise the impact your day-to-day operation.


We design your events with care, bringing in the latest research and a carefully tailored approach to ensure you get the best outcome for the time and money invested.


We are seasoned deliverers and we get great feedback from our customers, because we make sure that every learner gets what they came for.


We know (because we used to buy training ourselves) that now, more than ever, you need to be able to demonstrate the value of the learning you provide. Robust evaluation is automatically built into everything we do – all you have to do is show the CEO!

We work with a wide cross-section of clients across all areas of industry, business and finance.  We are confident working in private, public and third sector organisations and clients tell us they appreciate our experience from our former lives as senior managers in large organisations.

Many of our clients continue to work with Cerulean on a regular basis to ensure their staff are maintaining their learning and development.